If you like quick, easy reads and tips, my 'Daily' is ideal and pulls together great articles, blogs and news that's helfpul for business form all kinds of experts. See one and sign up to Wendy's Daily here.
I also Tweet out my daily and normally about local events, both for business and pleasure, so do follow me on Twitter @ WendyAnnAger.
For a round-up of good marketing techniques and tips form all of that sign up to my emails which come out very infrequently here.
For anything else, just email me!
I have neglected my blog since working with a local charity since 2018 but they will still be relevant to you as they're on how how to progress, about personal development, business networking, local events, marketing and sometimes include great business tips.
You can view all my blogs and my latest here and subscribe to be notified of new posts...
One of the best ways to get the most out of connecting with me is to sign up for my emails which contain business and marketing tips for small to medium-sized businesses.
I review and sift information so it's just got in it what will help you to grow your business and expand your knowledge and hopefully, open yourself up to new possibilities.
See and example newseltter and sign up to Wendy Ager's tips here
It's only easy whenyou know how..... so I have created some video tutorials explaining and showing you step-by-step how to do some really useful things. These are all the free or affordable ways to enhance your business.
Some are taking you through social media and some are showing you online tools to improve what you have or make your marketing more effective or you more efficient with your time online.
Check out my YouTube channel and subscribe to get notified when I add new videos.

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